“I’m not together, but I am getting there.”
This is an important reminder for me of life’s topsy turvy nature. Enlightenment is not the goal. If it were, then I would choose to minimize seeking out growth opportunities. When pursuing growth, possibility, and exposing myself more to what “I don’t know–I don’t know,” change of context is inevitable. As a result of a more dynamic life, more new contexts will be involved, and the more context shifts, the more adaptability will be required to rise to the occasion of what life both demands and asks of me.
Being “In Repair” is being in acceptance of life’s long road of ups, downs, in betweens, and the seemingly irreparable, repetitious, and inescapable scenes. On the way up, we might, temporarily, forget what it’s like to fall down, until the fall reminds us of our vulnerability. Inside of that vulnerability, is the always present opportunity to re-commit to a process of improvement.
A commitment is not a destination. It, like a practice, requires a daily renewal and reaffirmation.
“Commitment is a statement of what ‘is.’ You can know what you’re committed to by your results, not by what you say your commitments are. We are all committed. We are all producing results. The result is proof of a commitment.
Jim Dethmer, Diana Chapman, and Kaley Klemp
I am committed to being “In Repair.” I accept that there is no one pre-determined final destination. My opportunity is to grow, learn, take responsibility, and heal alongside the sometimes paradoxical, hypocritical, and misaligned paths I may choose in spite of knowing better, had I happened to have been in a different context.
Our lives are finite. However, life is infinite. The manner in which we embrace our “In Repair” realities will determine how infinite our legacies will or won’t become. Being and becoming are daily privileges and challenges. I am grateful for the opportunity life affords me to pursue meaning and be of service while doing my best to figure out new versions of being my best.
“I’m in repair… I’m not together, but I am getting there.”