Learning, Life Philosophy

What GOOD Will Come of This?

Woman surrounded by flowers in monochrome water bath.

I am humbled by how frantically and frenetically I can go from feeling content, appreciative, grateful, and optimistic to defensive, closed, angry, scared, and aggressively mean. The humbling aspect has to do with how unexpected and dramatic the swing in emotions can be. Eventually, guilt and shame set in, and I am disappointed in myself for how vulnerable I still am to becoming unhinged.

As I use THE PRACTICE to anchor me to something that is based in a vision of curiosity, creativity, possibility, openness, and a long term commitment to prioritizing process over outcome, I am pondering where to place my attention and energy in order to zoom out from what has me trapped in ruminating on personal, permanent, and pervasive concerns.

I am choosing to focus on the question: What GOOD Will Come of This?

“What GOOD Will Come of This?” is a question intended to shift my focus toward learning potential. Objectively, I know that struggle and difficult times lead to an increase in perspective, empathy for myself/others, and a greater appreciation for the “good days,” or, as Simon Sinek refers to in reference to the evocation of an infinite mindset, “ahead days” (in contrast to behind days). Therefore, “What GOOD will come of this?” is a realistically grounded and self-regulatory way of creating the psychological distance to heal.

What GOOD will come of this?
Increased self-awareness and understanding about my immunity to change around social anxiety.

What GOOD will come of this?
Increased self-awareness about how I like to receive feedback, especially when the content has to do with topics in which I have a higher probability of insecurity and heightened sensitivity.

What GOOD will come of this?
Another “lived in” example of what it feels like to get stuck in the drama triangle (victim, villain, persecutor), and a reminder of how difficult it can be to pull myself out, even when I am aware I am in it.

What GOOD will come of this?
A greater appreciation and respect for the seesaw that is the state of anyone’s mindset in 24 hours, let alone a few minutes or seconds of time.

What GOOD will come of this?
A fantastic opportunity to cultivate and practice MORE self-compassion and self-love. An IMPORTANT wake up call to befriend the parts of me that are so easily provoked.

What GOOD will come of this?
Having created a self-regulatory and self-reflective form of inquiry (“what good will come of this?) to help me recover in times of break-down to more quickly achieve break-through.

“I am in repair… I am not together, but I am getting there.” Being humbled is good. Being vulnerable is good. Feeling is good. Life is good not in spite but BECAUSE of times like these… Times when we become witness to the WHY behind our WHY, i.e., the backstage pass, director’s commentary, and outtakes all rolled into one.

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Drawing from my education, experience, and devotion to guiding leaders (including myself) at different stages in their journey from individual contributor to leader, I help leaders like you to develop the trust and the tools to model and enable exceptional team performance.

Jared Cohen

Leadership Coach, M.A., M.B.A.